LEDLENSER lights are measured in lumens. LEDLENSER uses ANSI/FL1 standards as published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). To date, this is the only industry-wide, agreed-upon standard of measurement.

Please Note: The above warranty link is NOT to register your product for the extended warranty. For instruction on this please click to visit our FAQ’s

Many revolutionary products first saw the light of day in a garage. Such was the case of the first Ledlenser. When Harald and Rainer Opolka founded the company Ledlenser in 1993, they really didn’t have much more than a garage, an old Atari computer, a set of tools, a drawing pad and around 1,000 Deutschmarks of seed capital. But that didn’t stop them from turning many a night into day with their flashes of genius, working hard and dreaming of great success during a few hours’ sleep.
A dream that would soon become reality: Nowadays the former garage company is an international handheld torch and head torch producer, unmatched on a worldwide scale. With over 1,500 employees we share the aim of getting a little better every day – and indeed in everything we do. We are therefore continually extending our product and accessories range, scrutinizing even tried and tested ideas, and increasingly relying on sustainable energy sources. At the same time, responsibility is far more important to us than shareholder value. That’s why we prefer to invest profits in training programs and company housing for employees in China, to get involved in social projects, and to foster ecological practices.